525 Middlefield Rd, Ste 250
Menlo Park, California 94025

SVASE Event: 'CXO Leadership Forum: Confessions Of A Marketing Rock Star'

Event: 'CXO Leadership Forum: Confessions Of A Marketing Rock Star'

The Forum Luncheon (Forum)

Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 At 11:30
Duration: 2 Hours
Contact Info:
Venue: Montgomery & Hansen, LLP, 525 Middlefield Road, Suite 250, Menlo Park, California 94025 Voice 650.331.7000. CXO Program Chair: Jim Connor, Tel: 510 655-0900 x202 Email: jconnor@sympro.com
URL: svase.org/index.php?option=com_extcalendar&Itemid=149&extmode=view&extid=695

By design, marketing is often touted as the cure-all to sales and growth challenges. For our March CXO Forum meeting, we will get a rare and candid look at the “truth” behind some of Silicon Valley’s best marketing success stories and the failures of marketing strategies that you have never heard about. Our meeting will feature Mark Cavender of the Chasm Institute on the real strategies for Crossing the Chasm with anecdotal confessions about what marketing strategies have worked for him, what failed, why they failed or succeeded, and what he would do differently today.

Topics for discussion will include:

1) Getting the right marketing strategy consistent with your stage of development
2) What marketing matters to a startup?
3) How to get started with a marketing strategy and execution
4) The dangers of the Marketing Witch Doctor
5) Marketing Return on Investment and manipulations of the measurements.
6) When to fire the marketing department
7) Examples of successful marketing strategies for cash-strapped start-up companies
8) How to sustain a cohesive marketing strategy in the face of urgent sales needs
9) Candid analysis of marketing efforts that failed, and how you can avoid those same pitfalls.
10) How high-tech marketing has evolved in the past few years, and examples of what is working today.
11) What kinds of marketing strategies have traction with VCs and investors

This event is a collegial luncheon designed to foster discussion in a confidential format among founders, officers and managers (CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO) of startup technology companies. We request that participants be involved in the management of a technology company.

Advance registration only, limited to 25 registrants, no walk-ins admitted.

$20 SVASE members, $119.00 New SVASE Membership, this event and lunch, $29 Affiliates who promote this event, $49 Non-members

This event is co-sponsored by Montgomery and Hansen LLC.

Added by svaseinfo on March 3, 2007

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