Building 3, 495 E Java Dr
Sunnyvale, California 94089

SVASE Digital Media: Digital Media Business Models that Get Funded

Start: 06/25/2009 - 6:00pm
End: 06/25/2009 - 8:30pm

Contact Info: Laura Weigant Email:

LOCATION: NetApp, 495 East Java Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA

Digital Media Business Models that Get Funded

Forget about just waiting for venture funding to kick back in. And don't think a warm introduction and a few buzz words is going to get a VC to write a check in today's economy. In order to get funded, you need a business with a business model that works. And while advertising might be the answer for some in digital media, the risk of a business getting to enough eyeballs to make low CPMs make sense, is increasingly something that VCs are not eager to back. It's time to dust off that P&L and start thinking about how to create a powerful top line that VCs and angels can embrace.

Join SVASE at this eye opening evening about how to create a business model that makes money the old fashioned way: by earning it!
• Which business model will work for your business?
• How do you balance market size with creating revenue?
• How can you go beyond ordinary slow growth boot strapping to get your customers to help fund your business?
• What benchmarks are necessary to attract investor interest?
• Who should be on the team at the early stage of the business?

The Panel:
·Chris Hollenbeck, Managing Director, Granite Ventures, LLC

Moderator: TBD

WHEN: Thursday, June 25
6:00 – 7:00 pm: Networking and Business Showcase
7:00 – 8:15 pm: Round table panel discussion and Q/A
8:15 – 8:30 pm: Additional networking

LOCATION: NetApp, 495 East Java Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA

PRE-REGISTERED RATES (All Rates Include Hors D’oeuvres):
Members - $20; Affiliates who advertise this event - $29; General Public - $49;
Business Showcase Exhibit Table – member rate: $149; non-member rate: $250
(Includes exhibit table and two tickets to the event.)
WALK-IN RATES: Add $10.00 to the listed price

This event is co-sponsored by: NetApp,

Speakers’ Bios

Chris Hollenbeck, Managing Director, Granite Ventures, LLC
Chris Hollenbeck is a founding member of the Granite Ventures team. He joined Granite after serving as Vice President of Hambrecht & Quist's Venture Capital department, and focuses his investments in software. In addition to software applications, Chris is also interested in companies that capitalize on the current digital content explosion – from voice and video to consumer entertainment –and next-generation software infrastructure technologies.

Chris currently sits on the Boards of Bunchball, Convio, DecisionView, Episodic, Oversight Systems, SonicMule, Telltale and YottaMark. He sponsored Granite’s investments in Digimarc (NASDAQ: DMRC) and Vignette (NASDAQ: VIGN), and was a member of the Boards of AvantGo prior to its acquisition by Sybase (NYSE: SY) and of Liquent prior to its acquisition by Information Holdings (NYSE: IHI).

Earlier in his career, Chris held several positions within Hambrecht & Quist's Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate Finance departments.

Chris holds a B.A. in American Studies from Stanford University

Added by svaseinfo on May 27, 2009