SVASE CXO Leadership Forum: How to become an Investor Magnet
Start: 03/09/2011 - 11:30 am
End: 03/09/2011- 1:30 pm
Contact Info: Ram Sriram Email:
Voice: 408 627-8302
Location: Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
390 Lytton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Many first time entrepreneurs think all they have to do is explain their idea to a group of angels or VCs, and they’ll have investors clamoring to give them money.
While that might have been the case in the go-go days of the late 1990’s, that approach is not going to get you far in the current economic climate.
So how do some startups, with apparently no better ideas or teams that others, seem to become investor magnets, with multiple term sheets and favorable valuations?
Our Guest Investor will explore these questions, and more, to help you understand how to become a Top Investor Magnet.
• How do I figure out the right kind of investment capital for my company?
• How do I figure out which investors would find me & my startup attractive?
• How do I find out what advantages each one brings to the table, besides money?
• How do I find out where they are on their investment cycle, and why does this matter?
• How do I get a good understanding of their investment criteria?
• How do I get an introduction to these potential investors?
• I’ve found the right investors, and I’ve got my introductions lined up, so what does my startup need to look like to make them actively want to invest?
Guest Speakers: TBA
This event is a collegial luncheon designed to foster discussion in a confidential format among founders, officers and managers (CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO) of startup technology companies. We request that participants be involved in the management of a technology company.
Advance registration only, limited to 25 registrants, no walk-ins admitted.
Pre-registration closes 11 AM the day of the event.
When: Wednesday, March 9, 2011
11:30–12:00 pm: Networking and Lunch
12:00-01:30 pm: Panel discussion and Q/A
Location: Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP, 390 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301
Pre-Registered Rates (All Rates Include Lunch):
$20 SVASE members,$29 Affiliates who promote this event
$49 Non-members
This event is co-sponsored by Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP,
Official Website:
Added by svaseinfo on February 6, 2011