390 Lytton Avenue,
Palo Alto, California 94301

SVASE CXO Leadership Forum: Bootstrapping Your Way to Success

Start: 11/09/2011 - 11:30 am
End: 11/09/2011- 1:30 pm

Contact Info: Ram Sriram
Email: sriram.ram@comcast.net
Voice: 408 627-8302

Location: Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
390 Lytton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301


With ideas and competition coming at you from all sides, building a successful new business today is as difficult as it has always been. However, starting it is a heck of a lot cheaper! Cloud based computing resources are now so cheap, you can build a software based company from scratch without having to seek outside funding - in other words, you can bootstrap it. And you can do it a lot quicker, too.

To help you get a leg up on this time tested technique, we’ll explore what’s the cheapest (and quickest) way to get to get your boostrapped company up & running, which existing technologies can be leveraged, and what you can do to keep your burn rate in check.

Duncan Logan, CEO, RocketSpace

This event is a collegial luncheon designed to foster discussion in a confidential format among founders, officers and managers (CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO) of startup technology companies. We request that participants be involved in the management of a technology company.

Advance registration only, limited to 25 registrants, no walk-ins admitted.

Pre-registration closes 11 AM the day of the event.

When: Wednesday, Novmeber 9, 2011
11:30–12:00 pm: Networking and Lunch
12:00-01:30 pm: Panel discussion and Q/A

Location: Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP, 390 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301

Pre-Registered Rates (All Rates Include Lunch):
$20 SVASE members,$29 Affiliates who promote this event
$49 Non-members

This event is co-sponsored by Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP, www.sheppardmullin.com.

Speaker Bios:

Duncan Logan, CEO, RocketSpace

Duncan Logan, CEO, RocketSpace and a Scotsman from St Andrews, started his professional career on the London Futures and Options Exchange as a derivatives trader. After leaving banking he began a successful career of company startups. In 1997 he founded CITYPRO International Ltd, a leading European CRM reseller which he sold in 2000 to ASAP Plc where Duncan went on to become Group Managing Director. In 2002 Duncan joined MessageLabs and was one of the early team members, helping to build the MessageLabs until it was successfully sold to Symantec in 2008.

Duncan moved to San Francisco to start another company, NationalBLS in the residential real estate market. NationalBLS was only successful in reminding Duncan that money goes quickly and startups can be tough,

lonely, thankless disasters. With this recent experience Duncan started RocketSpace, a technology accelerator focused on helping early stage companies succeed. In his spare time Duncan can be found renewing his frustration with golf.

Official Website: http://www.svase.org/events/cxo-leadership-forum-bootstrapping-your-way-success

Added by svaseinfo on October 14, 2011

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