321 Park Avenue
San Jose, California

Event: 'SVASE And SVAMA Present Social Media PR For Startups'

Date: Thursday, November 15, 2007 At 05:30
Duration: 3 Hours
Contact Info:
Adobe Systems 345 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 95110
Contact: Laura Weigant, Email: Info@svase.org

This is an SVASE + SVAMA joint event.

Social Media Press Releases deliver news to customers and prospects in a way that generates word of mouth. The impact of SMPR can be many times greater than traditional PR because it harnesses the power of bloggers, rss feeds and the Internet. But you still have to pay attention to the basics in order to get noticed!

Social media affects everybody from SV 150 companies to startups. Do you have a new-to-the-world product or service that's difficult to explain? Having trouble generating buzz? Even technology-driven startups can generate positive press using SMPR.

So, what exactly is Social Media PR, why should you add it to your marketing mix, and how can cash strapped startups take leverage Social Media PR for maximum impact?

This panel of marketing thought leaders will cover . . .
- Strategic issues for company leaders
- Tactical tips that you can apply tomorrow morning
- Social Marketing PR for Startups

The Panel:
• Mark Coker, Founder, Dovetail Public Relations
• Mike Manuel, Client Supervisor, Voce Communications, Inc.

Speaker Bios:

Mark Coker is the founder of Dovetail Public Relations, an award-winning technology PR firm based in Silicon Valley. It specializes in launching, building and sustaining venture-backed startups and market leaders.

Mark is an active entrepreneur, angel investor and business advisor to technology startups.
His primary role at Dovetail is business development and employee training. In addition to his responsibilities with Dovetail, Mark is prepping his next startup, Smashwords, a digital publishing venture. Smashwords is in stealth, and will be incubated within Dovetail.
Mark serves as a contributing writer for VentureBeat, where he reports on innovative technology startups.

Mike Manuel's professional background spans several years in the Silicon Valley doing tech PR and marketing, with the past few years spent at Voce Communications, a Palo Alto-based communications consultancy.

At Voce, Mike works with companies ranging from early stage startups to large multinational brands. He also oversees the firm's Social Media Services, consulting clients on a variety of projects and programs that use social media tools and tactics.

Mike is currently an Advisory Board Member and the Best Practices Chairman for the Society of New Communications Research (SNCR), an active member of WOMMA, author of Media Guerrilla, and a regular contributor to WebProNews, the Corante Network and the Social Media Collective.

Thursday, November 15, 2007
5:30pm-6:30pm Registration and Networking (includes light refreshments)
6:30pm-8:30pm Program and Q&A

Adobe Systems, East Tower, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA

COST (pricing increases $10 after 11/9/07)
$15 SVASE and SVAMA Members, $35 Non-Members, $30 Affiliates who advertise this event

Official Website: http://svase.org/index.php?option=com_extcalendar&Itemid=149&extmode=view&extid=1138

Added by svaseinfo on October 19, 2007