Connect with People in Meaningful Ways--Networking can help you improve your business performance, knowledge, and skills. But real success comes from building connections with people of "influence." Influence means that they are the ones who can help you because of their authority, connections, or recommendations. They are the ones who have access to funding, important contacts, and more. The key is to be the first person these people think of when an opportunity arises.
This workshop, led by Derinda Garmond will teach you how to avoid some of the common pitfalls in networking and leverage being part of a group of effective, well-connected individuals. Learn how to connect with people in meaningful ways, creating mutual benefits, and identify the individuals who can provide value to your company and yourself while developing trust and credibility as you learn the business needs of the individuals you are networking with, and moving forward (or not) based on these needs.
Derinda Gaumond is Founder and CEO of, a website calendar that compiles and delivers listings of high-tech networking events. Prior to founding WorkIt, Derinda worked at three other startups in the Bay Area including and RampUp. She has an extensive background in publishing, both in print and online. Derinda also coaches individuals on how to improve their networking skills.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
5:30 pm-6:00 pm Registration and Networking
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Program and Q&A
(Note: No food/beverage services are offered at this venue, other than vending machines.)
University of Phoenix
3590 N. First Street, San Jose
COST (Pricing increases after Dec. 5)
$25 SVAMA members
$75 Non-members
$25 Student members with valid student ID
$60 Partner members (ASAP, CSPA, PDMA, SDForum, SFAMA, SVASE, WIC)
$25 SVAMA members,$75 Non-members of SVAMA, $60 Partner members (ASAP, CMO Council, PDMA, PRSA, SFAMA, SVASE, WIC), $25 Student members with valid student ID.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 30, 2007