Flickr fans in the Silicon Valley, unite! This is our monthly meetup, usually on the 4th Monday of each month.
NOTE: Venue is changing. We are going to have a big meetup combining SFlickr and SV Flickr Meetup! Location is now in Menlo Park (I don't see a way to edit venue here, hmm).
Contact me for the Evite.
Added by courtneyp on April 14, 2005
hmm. I can't seem to edit the entry. Well, the party in Menlo Mark is a go, here's the Evite:
Hi, I wanted to extend an invitation to anyone in Silicon Valley to attend the SFlickr meetup which is now scheduled on 5/2 because Caterina and Stewart will be there!! Hope you can attend. Here is the event:
Yah! New area!