Suzette Lake of The Body Clinic in Walnut Creek will join the Homeopathy Every Day Study Group to discuss Bowenwork. She will discuss the benefits of Bowenwork and how it differs from other bodywork modalities. Bowenwork is very compatible with homeopathy. Bowenwork shares some of the same philosophical foundations as homeopathy. Both Bowenwork and homeopathy gently stimulate the body's natural healing response.
Please join us to learn how these two modalities work together to help restore health and wellness. Suzette Lake has been in the field of bodywork since 1996 having a private practice in Walnut since 1997. She now uses Bowenwork nearly exclusively to address the needs of her clients.
Join us at the Homeopathy Every Day Study Group of Walnut Creek Thursday, October 21, from 6-7p.m. 43 Quail Court, Suite 215, Walnut Creek, CA 94510.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 11, 2010