2715 Esplanade Ave.,
Port Moody, British Columbia V3H 3P4

We all are painfully aware that our world is drasticallychanging. We are being reminded every day of frightening
events. Peoples relationships and their health are sufferingas a result of their distress. However, some turn this into anempowering self-aware, transformational experience.Heroes have a way of looking at what is needed and wanted,rather than just how to stay safe.I will be sharing successful steps on how to turn thisrecession into an opportunity for personal and professionalgrowth; how to look beyond scarcity and turn thesechanges into abundance in your life; how to run towardschange and move towards the outcome you want; and howto stand tall and make this a good experience for yourselfand others. As an extra bonus to support you and your work,I will be providing handouts.

There will be limited seating, please reserve your seat.

There will be another event on May 21st from 7:00-8:30 PM.


Organized by Suzanne Kyra
Suzanne Kyra, M.A. is a Registered Clinical Counselor, consultant, international speaker, and a clinical supervisor at Simon Fraser University Psychology Clinic, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. She has a private clinical practice with over 30 years experience in the helping profession. She is an international speaker, consultant, and workshop leader. She recently authored a book titledWelcome Home to Yourself: A therapist and photographer explore the meaning of life through individual lensesa mother and son's journey.

Ticket Info:  
  • Regular Admission, Free
  • May 21st Event, Free

Official Website: http://positivityinrecessions-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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