Who are the leaders and role models making themselvestransparent and vulnerable about their relationships?Barack and Michelle Obama, Oprah, Angelina Jolie and BradPitt! Their vulnerability and self-empowerment makes themlovable. Would your partner see you as her/his maturepartner? Do you see yourself as a mature, romantic partner?We sometimes think relationships should be easy. Why is it that sometimes they are easy, and other times they are ourgreatest humble pie? I will show you how to more easilyaccess what works; how to give yourself support in whatdoes not work; how to move on to the sweetness of love,intimacy, fun, and sharing; and how to choose a partner.I will address what creates magic in relationships; how tofocus on what is nurturing; how all couples have core issuesthat keep dancing through the thread of their relationship;how to use that thread as a gift; how to honor thedifferences and similarities in men and women; what bothpartners need, only differently; how to fight withsensuousness; how to step through fear in choosing apartner; how to create a more intimate connection withyour partner; and much, much more!This is the fun stuff! Suzanne Kyra love sharing ways that aresimple and realistic to practice. Remember, simple does notmean easy, it just means that, if you are committed to do thework, you can love the relationship you have. As an extrabonus to support you and your work, I will be providinghandouts.
There will be limited seating.Please reserve your seat.
There will be another event on April, 23rd from 7:00-8:30 PM
Organized by Suzanne KyraSuzanne Kyra, M.A. is a Registered Clinical Counselor, consultant, international speaker, and a clinical supervisor at Simon Fraser University Psychology Clinic, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. She has a private clinical practice with over 30 years experience in the helping profession. She is an international speaker, consultant, and workshop leader. She recently authored a book titledWelcome Home to Yourself: A therapist and photographer explore the meaning of life through individual lensesa mother and son's journey.
Ticket Info: - Regular Admission, Free
- April 23rd Event, Free
Official Website: http://lusciouslove-upcoming.eventbrite.com