Are you parenting your child to be the kind of personpeople admire and enjoy, or to be an obedient child? Howdo you support your child to be vibrant, self-confident,authentic, transparent, and successful in theirdevelopmental needs and tasks?I will demonstrate how you can parent your child to havethe qualities much of the world is admiring in Barack andMichelle Obama--wisdom, commitment, joyfulness,inclusiveness, and mindfulness for the larger good.Why do children take drugs, become promiscuous, engagein self-destructive behaviours, have low self-esteem, orcut-off from their parents? I will share what the research andchildren are saying.With frankness and real life stories, I will speak on thedevelopmental needs of children, what they need from you,and when and why they need this from you.To hear what you can do to support your childsempowerment, get ready for this informative, inspiringevening. As an extra bonus to support you and your work, Iwill be providing free information on andwill be having free raffles.I look forward to meeting you and inspiring you.
There will be limited seating. Pleasereserve your seats.
events@suzannekyra.comOrganized by Suzanne KyraSuzanne Kyra, M.A. is a Registered Clinical Counselor, consultant, international speaker, and a clinical supervisor at Simon Fraser University Psychology Clinic, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. She has a private clinical practice with over 30 years experience in the helping profession. She is an international speaker, consultant, and workshop leader. She recently authored a book titledWelcome Home to Yourself: A therapist and photographer explore the meaning of life through individual lensesa mother and son's journey.
Ticket Info: Regular Admission, Free
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