900 Exposition Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90007

Sustainable Sundays is a forum for bringing Museum visitors together with the experts to create a lively, constructive discussion on finding green, innovative local solutions to far-reaching global problems, from climate change and water conservation, to land use, to preserving our environment, and protecting Earth's biodiversity. Edible Landscape--Sunday, April 17, 2011; 9:30 am to 3:30 pm--Grand Foyer, Level 1--Today is all about food! Meet the groups that are working locally to promote sustainable growing practices. Get tips from the Master Gardeners on how to grow your own organic food, take a tour of the Museum's Edible Garden, and plant an herb of your own to take home. Workshop--Pickling with Chicks with Knives; 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm--Rachael Narins and Suzanne Griswold, are Chicks with Knives - two women chefs in Los Angeles, with a commitment to sustainable, organic, local and ethical food. They'll discuss the history of pickles around the world, preservation techniques and food safety, then demonstrate how to create pickles from a variety of local, seasonal produce. Please RSVP for this free workshop at (213)763-ED4U or e-mail educate@nhm.org.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 16, 2011