This course will provide you with the history and the new developments of current industry standards as follows:
- BS-8901 A management system that provides a framework of policies, procedures and processes to ensure sustainability and the organization of your event. BS-8901 provides the foundation for the new draft standard ISO 20121, Event Sustainable Management System.
- ISO 20121 – Draft – Event Sustainable Management System
- Green Meetings Task Force Report: The CIC’s Green Meetings Task Force Report of 2004, suggests minimum best practices for event organizers and suppliers to use as guidelines for developing sustainability policies.
- APEX/ASTM Environmentally Sustainable Meeting Standards: According to the Convention Industry Council, this standard is “The industry’s first and only comprehensive standards for environmentally sustainable meetings are being created through a partnership of the Convention Industry Council’s APEX initiative and ASTM International.”
- GRI Event Organizers Sector Supplement (Global Reporting Initiative) This standard is currently being developed for use as sustainability reporting guidelines for event organizers.
- Meeting and Business Event Competency Standards: “A product of several international boards, governmental bodies, task forces and MPI, the Meeting and Business Event Competency Standards provides something the industry has long been lacking—a detailed catalogue of the skills needed to be a meeting professional.” (
With an understanding of these standards, you will be able to responsibly develop sustainability strategies and goals, collect and analyze data that supports your goals, and measure and communicate your performance effectively to internal and external stakeholders.
Official Website:
Added by CEU, CalPoly Pomona on May 2, 2012