So you've connected the dots on peak oil, climate change, and population overshoot. Now what are you going to do? How about building your plausible future under energy descent, making useful connections, coming away prepared. Five days is in a rural natural setting, with great food and peaceful surroundings is all it takes. Aug 20 to 25, in Waubaushene ON, 130 km north of Toronto. It's not a gabfest, or conference hall talk-at event, it's the experience of rich resources at hand, demonstration projects, field trips, community building and the spirit of relocalization. We're internet equipped, bringing some speakers in by teleconference. The purpose is to create a platform for people ready to take their next steps into scaling their lifestyles more in keeping with energy, environment and climate constraints. Register online at www.Sustainable after Wednesday June 27th. Call 705 538 2390 for information.
Official Website:
Added by grahamia on July 15, 2006
This event is designed to be like a community, you'll find unexpected resources present and enjoy the journey of discovery.