Does the idea of conserving resources and saving money put a smile on your face? Then the place to be on May 11 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. is Olde Town Arvada for the first annual Sustain Arvada Festival. Celebrate community successes as we showcase examples of resource conservation and teach ways to practice conserving in your daily life.
Looking to trim your energy waistline? Then recycle, reclaim, repurpose, reuse; reduce waste; conserve resources; grow your food and grow your community; save money; and promote a sustainable community.
Get information in 30 minutes from the experts at the Presentation Tent. Get the answers to these questions:
· 10:30 a.m. Star Acre Farms - What is Community Supported Agriculture and how does it fit into a healthier local lifestyle?
· 11:30 a.m. FasTracks Gold Line – How does this commuter rail line benefit the local economy?
· 12:30 p.m. SustainAbility – What’s this unique recycling business all about and how does it benefit the community?
· 1:30 p.m. iCast and ResourceSmart Arvada- How can I save money on my energy bills?
· 2:30 p.m. Center for Resource Conservation – How do I save water and still have a great home landscape in this arid climate?
· 3:30 p.m. CSU Cooperative – What’s the latest in residential gardening, backyard composting, canning and the Master Gardeners program?
Participants can also visit more than 45 exhibits in Olde Town’s Town Square on Olde Wadsworth Boulevard. In addition to great food and music, visitors can see the latest in solar technology, water and energy conservation, unique recycled items, locally grown plants, low cost transportation and more! Exhibitors will educate and demonstrate eco-friendly products and services for a sustainable lifestyle.
There will also be activities available for the youngest eco-friendly attendees, including rock wall climbing, an alpaca petting zoo, recycled art station, YMCA Kids Play and local Earth Day Art/Essay Exhibit from 5 – 6 grade students from our local schools.
So ride your bike, walk, take the bus or car pool if you can! A secured bicycle valet area will be available for the event. All festival guests are encouraged to become a zero waste hero by using the zero waste tents set up throughout the festival.
Produced by the Arvada Festivals Commission and the Arvada Sustainability Advisory Committee (both appointed by the Arvada City Council), this Zero Waste event hopes to help shift community values toward sustainability.
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About Arvada
Founded in 1870, the City of Arvada is a beautiful western suburb of Denver, Colorado. Even with an estimated population of 107,700, Arvada retains a small-town feel while featuring a diverse economic base, highly educated workforce, and low crime rate. The City most recently was named one of the “2012 Top Workplaces” by the Denver Post. Visit: or stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube.
Sustain Arvada is a way of honoring Arvada's rich heritage and preserving our resources to foster economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and community vitality today and into the future.
Added by GS on April 8, 2013