511 Warburton Ave
Yonkers, New York 10701

Contemporary photographer Susan Wides' fascination with the nineteenth-century Hudson River School painters is explored in 'From Mannahatta to Kaaterskill'. The show consists of approximately 50 large-scale photographs divided into three groups: 'Kaaterskill' (the Upper Hudson Valley), 'Manahatta' (Scenes of Urban life), and a new group of work newly created for the Museum's exhibition, which shows Westchester County as a vital suburban "hinge" between the urban and the rural. 'From Mannahatta to Kaaterskill' will examine the transformation of our natural and urban environments. The exhibition explores humanity's intrusion into the rural landscape, and the simultaneous urge to recreate elements of nature within urban settings.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 18, 2011