the internet!!
London, England

Survivors Stories DVD and Website Virtual Launch. Web 2.0 interactive - podcasting, blogging, music, film clips, audio clips, txt , chat, music dedicated / written for the virtual launch by US and UK bands.

VIP Virtual Guest list

Support for this event is also through Facebook, Myspace, NING and other social networking sites -

As far as I know (now confirmed -MediaCampBucks07) an event like this has never been achieved, across the UK, and in such a way.

Come online and support the Survivors Stories DVD and website Virtual Launch.Interact and see the Launch LIVE. At the Start of White Ribbon Campaign.- Raising awareness of Domestic Violence and abuse. Send your thoughts and messages of support to Survivors Stories, the Babergh Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum, the people that were filmed in the DVD and those needing support / experiencing / living with domestic violence and abuse, that visit the website. Find out more about Survivors Stories here at their dedicated pages prior to their website Launch

Messages of support can also be sent, and uploaded to the website too ( unless advised otherwise). All those that get involved in supporting this event will be registered as virtual guests ( links added if required) on the website. This event will have local, national UK press coverage, and international coverage: radio / podcast play too

register at the pre launch website below ( holding page) or

Official Website:

Added by Tish Person Centred Designs on September 25, 2007