A thrilling bush craft adventure for girls and boys working together to make a survival camp. Create a traditional shelter, learn the craft of fire making, cook your own survival food and start to recognise the animal tracks and secret signs of all who live in the woods.
Once experienced never forgotten.
Date: Wednesday 2 June 2010
Time: 10am - 2:30pm
Age Group: 8 - 12 years
Cost of Event: £15
Meeting Place: Education Centre
Clothing Required: Outdoor clothing and sensible footwear (you will be outside for most of the session)
Booking Required: Essential
Dogs Allowed: No
Contact: Recreation Officer 01420 520212
e-mail: kathleen.calver@forestry.gsi.gov.uk
Official Website: http://www.forestry.gov.uk/website/ourwoods.nsf/LUWebDocsByKey/EnglandSurreyAliceHoltForestAliceHoltForestCentreSurvivalSpecial
Added by easthampshire.org on January 4, 2010