, London
London, England EC4A 2

Unfortunately the "Surviving in the City... It's not just about the credit crunch" event on Thursday 19th March 2009 is now fully booked.
If you would like to add your name to the reserve guest list, please email info@womenin.co.uk and we will notify you if any more places become available closer to the event date.
Many thanks.
womenintechnology and Cancer Research UK

Organized by womenintechnology.co.uk

womenintechnology.co.uk is an organisation committed to helping women build successful and satisfying careers in the technology profession and since our launch in 2005 we have grown into a network of over 4,500 individuals.

Ticket Info:  'Survival in the City' Event Ticket, Free

Official Website: http://survival-in-the-city-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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