240 Channing Way
San Rafael, California

Interested in Surveillance, New Technology
and Civil Liberties?

Join us. Get Involved. Take Action.

Join Nicole Ozer, ACLU of Northern California Director of Technology and Civil Liberties for a community event to learn about California Senate Bill 768, the REAL ID Act, video surveillance, and privacy issues. Get informed, get connected to fellow activists, get involved, and get the information you need to protect your rights.

Free and open to the public. Snacks will be served. Bring your friends! Please RSVP to Marika at mcifor@aclunc.org.
Questions? Contact Shayna at (415) 621-2493 x384 or sgelender@aclunc.org.

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin
240 Channing Way
San Rafael, CA 94903

Learn about the impact of technology on civil liberties. Ensure that the government is not able to take away your privacy and security. Learn about the current issues of RFID technology in government identification documents, National ID cards, video surveillance, internet and email privacy. Join other community activists to protect your identity!

Sponsored by the Marin County Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California.

Added by mcifor on April 20, 2006

Interested 1