848 Peachtree St, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30308

Saturday afternoon typically sucks. Odds are you're doing 1 of the following:

Driving around aimlessly looking for excitement
Tip toeing through the mall gazing at items you don't want
Watching Middle Maryland Technical College get slaughtered by the UGA in football
Watching re-runs of an 80's TV show.

You can do better than that. SurveyMagnet.com can help. We are hosting a full scale debate pitting the brightest men in the Atlanta area against the brightest women in the Atlanta area. Subject matter will include horizontal boogie (sex), Money, Stereotypes, and anything else the team dreams up. Feint hearted fairies need not attend.

For the first time ever Survey Magnet, a website full of interesting debates, is hosting a live event. The event will take the structure of a formal debate with one exception...it will be FUN.

The smartest men and women in Atlanta will be separated into teams of 5, placed in brackets, and given enough time to debate on the hottest issues facing men and women today. The gloves will be off as we bring drama, intensity, intelligence and enough LOL moments to shake your frame of mind.

Gordon Biersch's entire menu will be available for the event. Feel free to drink and eat while you fire up your brain cells.

Here's the skinny on the format.

20 Women
20 Men
8 Teams
3 Rounds
3 Judges
1 Winning Team
This event has limited space. Only 20 men and 20 women will be accepted.

Tickets are going fast. Register while you have a chance.
Visit http://www.surveymagnet.com to get a feel for what we do on a daily basis.

Added by The Lane-Smith Group on August 5, 2010