7.15 for 7.30 start
Tonight's illustrated talk looks at the occultism in the work of some leading surrealists, and shows how surrealism has had a rich and often rather paradoxical relationship with alchemy, hermeticism and occultism generally. The audience will be treated to discussion (with slides) of Andre Breton, Max Ernst, Victor Brauner, Leonora Carrington, Ithell Colquhoun, Kurt Seligmann and more recent surrealists such as Jorge Camacho and Jan Svankmajer.
Stuart Inman has been involved in surrealism for 20 years and is a founder member of the London Surrealist Group. He is an artist, poet, photographer and researcher. He also has a particular interest in traditional witchcraft.
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Added by treadwells on April 8, 2009