Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California 90043

Ola Vay, spiritualist and acclaimed clairvoyant, uses the art of knowledge and self discovery in the fields of astrology, numerology, the Qaballah, and Egyptology to empower self-development plans for every day goal setting.


Join us for an enchanting evening on the 26th of every month. This is a free webinar where you can have your questions answered in your quest to be the newest form of your Highest Self.

Deborah Young, also known as spiritualist Ola Vay, is a published Author, Screenwriter and Producer. As a Metaphysician, she makes use of both herbology and spiritual healing to help others in promoting self development. It was using a combination of Astrology, Qabbalah, Numerology, and the study of the history of languages that she both discovered several of her past lives as well as the importance of choice in the cause and effects of Higher Consciousness, both individually as well as collectively.

Please enter up to 3 questions for Ola Vay. If you do not know your questions yet, you can email them, no later than 5pm on the 25th to lauren.galey@lemurianheart.com with the Subject line: SUPRANOVA.


From: Brooke ladeemist@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Your experience Supranova 6
To: classiqua@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 6:29 PM

Hi my precious sister. I have no objections to your request at all. There is so much I have to share regarding Matt's passing. I can understand completely about how his communications with you was so high it was melting the transmission.
You were so right in everything you said regarding Matt. We did make a promise to each other to keep in touch when he passed. And he has kept his part of the promise. I talk to him all the time because I know he is here.

My hubby didn't believe in messages coming through until Matt passed. When Bill, my hubby, was working nights he of course slept during the day. We have a tv in our bedroom which we NEVER use...(I don't because when I go to bed I go to sleep...Bill doesn't because he lost the remote last year.)

Anyway, I was washing up breakfast dishes when I heard something. I went back to the bedroom and that tv was on. At first I thought...wow Bill must have been walking in his sleep and turned it on...because he was still sleeping. I turned it off and went back to washing dishes. A little later it came back on. I went in there to turn it off again. Bill, by this time, had woken up and said Thanks for turning that thing off! "Why in the world did u turn it on for?" I told him it wasn't me...it was Matt. He laughed. He said...no fair blaming someone who can defend himself! He then proceded to the bathroom to shower and I went back to the kitchen. That tv came on again! I went in there to turn it off just as he was coming out of the bathroom to turn it off. Neither of us got to it before it went off by itself! He couldn't believe it. He took it to the shop to see if it had a short in it.

(LOL) Nothing wrong with it at all! Then Matt started turning the livingroom tv off and on. I asked him if he thought that one had a short. He said nooooooooo...I know it is Matt now.
That bedroom tv kept coming on and going off a LOT! We finally had to unplug it! Then one afternoon I piled up in the bed with all my dogs and wolf and was going to take a nap. Well, even unplugged the tv came on! I laughed and said...."Matt I LOVE you so much and love it when you let me know you are around!" I have felt him so close. I was talking to him one day and tears were rolling down my cheeks because I missed him so much. I mean...I know he is here...it is just that I can't hug him and I told him so. He then told me...YES...I could. I closed my eyes and pictured him close. The sensation was so strong I could even smell his presence. Then I hugged him so closely and I felt little tingles like sparks up and down my arms. I felt so much love from him. It was unbelievable.

I also am able to audibly hear him say "Mom" many times when he is trying to get my attention. I feel him on my left side very strongly and you mentioned that. I have also seen shadows out of my peripheral vision and know it is him which you also said. There are so many ways he has let us know. One of his friends called and said she promised Matt she would call me. She said that what she was about to say would sound weird, yet it really happened. Her tv was coming on and shutting off by itself and Matt told her he was the one doing it and for her to tell me and Bill because he was doing it to us also. She asked...is he doing that to you also? YEP!

Also Shawn, my first son, used to joke around with Matt all the time. He told Matt, "You know they say people who have passed over leave pennies around as a sign they are around you...well brat...don't be do cheap...leave me at least a dime!" They would laugh about that all the time. My son called me (he lives in Maine) and told me he has been finding double dimes all over the place at home and work...not just one dime...but always two of them together! Amazing...isn&'t it?

Deborah, you girl have such a wonderful gift. You are able to let go of yourself and let SPIRIT talk and work through you. By doing that, you are and will continue to help so many. What you do is not easy. The majority of us don't know HOW to let go of our egos in order for SPIRIT to take over. Yes, it has happened to me on several occasions, but not regularly. Once I felt your gift (and we do KNOW each other in spirit) I consciously send you energy. If you ever...EVER...want anything or need anything and I am able to provide...just ask my precious sister. You and Lauren are beautiful spirits and it is a privilege to have you on this site and to have met you in this lifetime.


Added by mary jones on March 5, 2009

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