stampede grounds
Calgary, Alberta

TransCanada is trying to run the massive north central corridor pipeline (NCC) across unceded Lubicon land without their permission!

We are inviting you to come to TransCanada's shareholders meeting to let them know that we will not stand for that!

WHEN: Friday April 25, 9:30am

DESTINATION: Calgary, Round-Up Centre Stampede Grounds. Assemble on sidewalk by the adjacent C-Train station on Macleod Trail. We will arrive at 9a.m. We are asking for the bulk of people to arrive by 9:30 to greet the arriving shareholders. There will be speeches shortly after 10a.m

WHO IS 'WE'': Members of the Lubicon Nation, Friends of the Lubicon, Friends of the Lubicon Alberta, and more good people.

WHY: On April 25 TransCanada is holding their annual shareholders meeting. They have applied to the AUC, a provincial body that does not have jurisdiction over the Lubicon Nation. Over the past few weeks we've learned that some of these shareholders are starting to ask questions about TransCanada's proposed NCC pipeline through Lubicon land. This is great news. FOLA's role now is to help more of the shareholders understand how TransCanada is trying to build on unceded Lubicon land, despite their objections and ignoring multiple UN recommendations for an oil/gas moratorium until the land dispute is resolved.

SO, while the Lubicon inform TransCanada shareholders of international law, Fola and supporters will picket the TransCanada shareholders meeting, hand out pamphlets outside to those attending, make a whole lot of noise, and gain a whole lot of media coverage. And you are invited!

We're traveling from Edmonton to Calgary on the morning of April 25.

Let the powers that be know we will not stand for this injustice!

If you are interested in attending please let us know (

Added by Coillette on April 20, 2008

Interested 1