670 White Plains Rd
Tarrytown, New York 10591

At this meeting, we have a panel of speakers from Diageo N.A. presenting the topic: "SFRM (Supplier Failure Risk Management) - Considerations when building risk mitigation plans." In the current economy, including SFRM in your Procurement Strategy has never been more critical. The presentations will include both Finance and Procurement perspectives on the topic.

The panel consists of DIAGEO NA Procurement Professionals:

• Christina Ruggiero, VP - Procurement Americas
• Ed LoDebole, Director, Demand Procurement - Americas
• Roberto Sobrino - Finance Director - Americas Procurement

Don't miss this opportunity to learn more on this important topic.
Date: September 10, 2009
Time: 5-6 p.m. Networking; 6-7 p.m. Presentation; 7-8:30 p.m. Dinner

LOCATION: Westchester Marriott, 670 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY
The Marriott (914-631-2200) is located on the south side of Route 119 (aka White Plains Road) one mile east of the Tappan Zee Bridge and just west of the I-87/I-287 interchange in Tarrytown.

COST of dinner (cash or check)- $30 (for members), $35 (for guests). There is no charge for attending the panel discussion.

RESERVATIONS- Contact Larry Holtgrewe, Executive Secretary, Institute for Supply Management-7 Counties @ 203-218-4694 or ism7counties@aol.com or (fax) 203-220-9431 by Monday, September 7, 2009

Diageo plc is a global drinks company producing and marketing spirits, wine and beer products with local offices in Norwalk, CT and New York, NY. The Procurement team at Diageo Americas covers Supply and Demand Categories at multiple locations throughout the U.S., Canada and LATAM.

Official Website: http://www.ism-7counties.org/index.asp

Added by supplychaingurus on September 7, 2009

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