Still one of the most difficult jobs and responsibilities in the workforce today is supervising others. Dont panic, learn to navigate through difficult employee situations, demanding bosses, challenging goals and unexpected problems. The key to any survival situation is to plan ahead, be prepared and prevent crisis. Your success in surviving supervisory situations is to do the same. Supervisors Survival School will give you the right tools and equipment to make it through the day. After participating in Supervisors Survivor School, your supervisors will more than survive, they will thrive. Dont leave them in the dark.
The number one navigational aid to get you and your staff heading in the rightdirection.
Planning tools to keep you from getting lost in the first place.
How you can be prepared in the event things get scary.
What you can do to prevent things from going to hell in a hand basket.
When lost Trust Trust your tools, yourself and your team.
How chances of survival are greater if you work together as a team.
Know where you are and where you want to go is key to getting there.
What to do about the slugs, snakes, rotten apples and other undesirable elements.
Organized by Leader Development Institute-Sponsored by FEB-NYC
Ticket Info: - Standard Admission, $350.00
- LDI Stimulus Package, $189.00
Official Website: http://sssnycmay1409-upcoming.eventbrite.com