* Network Age Briefing: “Agility Beyond Coding”
* October 1, 2009 — 9:00am PDT / 12:00 pm EDT
* Web and chat: http://tobtr.com/s/716605
* Call-in Number: (347) 945-6578
One part of what is happening in the Network Age is the phenomenon of customers, fans, and communities using their networks to rapidly explore design space and ideas. We’ve also seen the rise of coding methodologies such as Agile Development radically redefine how software gets built. But what if these concepts of agility were to be applied beyond the concept of a “development project,” and applied to business strategy? In other words…how can you make a large (or small, or medium) sized business more agile and more ready to keep up with your fans?
We’ll explore this topic with Cory Ondrejka, the co-creator of Second Life, the revolutionary and award winning virtual world that has transformed how millions of people think about community, collaboration, and entrepreneurship. After Second Life, Ondrejka was a visiting professor at University of Southern California’s Annenberg School of Communication. From there, Ondrejka spent 18 months driving digital strategy and cultural change at EMI Music, first as Senior Vice President for Digital Strategy, then as Executive Vice President Global Digital Marketing.
Official Website: http://supernovahub.com/2009/09/oct-1-supernova-network-age-briefing-with-cory-ondrejka-agility-beyond-coding/
Added by supernovahub on September 29, 2009