123 10th St.
San Francisco, California 94103

The wonderfully popular DevHouse is back up in the city for a second time, hosted by the generous peoples at Sandbox Suites. Come one, come all you city people - there's no excuses not engaging in hacking and tomfoolery this February 16th. )

The event, like all DevHouses, has no admission fee (although donations are encouraged) and is open for all to attend. It is strongly recommended that you bring a laptop and have an interesting project to work on, although you do NOT need to be a software/web geek to attend. (Robotics geeks and art geeks have been very warmly welcomed!) But don't show up just to recruit / market or you'll probably get ejected. ;)

Please do eat lunch before you show up. Like usual, we'll work on providing a free dinner meal, but there will be a panic if you don't bring healthy snacks, beers, and fun toys. Seriously, we'll be mad at you.

Be sure to tell your friends, as the Bay Area's #1 private productive party organization (3PO), DevHouse not only gives you an intimate venue to meet, share ideas and have fun with other developers, designers, and designer-developers... it provides you with a venue to sit down and get things done!

We're about rapid development, ad-hoc collaboration, and cross pollination. Whether you're a l33t hax0r, hardcore coder, or passionate designer, if you enjoy software and technology development, SuperHappyDevHouse was made with you in mind.

David Weekly, Jeff Lindsay, Joel Franusic, and Tom Harrison

Get on the wiki early!

See photos from previous gatherings.

Official Website: http://superhappydevhouse.org/SuperHappyDevHouse23

Added by dweekly on February 1, 2008