2735 Skyfarm Drive
Hillsborough, California 94010


It's that time again, our eighteenth (!!) DevHouse at the old skool Hillsborough mansion. It's now been two whole years of DevHouse'ing. Can you believe it?? Time for some more hackery and tomfoolery! Bring your coworkers and friends, male and female, hackers and painters. Forward it to them now! Save the date!

The Date: Saturday, June 23, 2007 - put this on your calendar now!
The Time: 2pm - midnight
The Place: SuperHappyFunHouse - 2735 Skyfarm Drive, Hillsborough, CA 94010
Directions: 280 to Black Mountain Road (2 exits north of 92), cross to
East side of 280, North on Skyline, 2nd right is SkyFARM, park immediately WELL on the side of the road. Please park all the way on
top of the curb; there are fire trucks near us and we must not block traffic. Please also do not park in our driveway.

Please come with a laptop and ideas! Think about a fun project you'd like to work on or a challenging issue you'd like to discuss with people. Generally we've found while there's a lot to be gained from just enjoying hanging out together, the people that get the most satisfying work done at DevHouse come with some idea about what they'd like to work on. Try learning a new technology, build a whizzing gadget, or launch a whole 2.0 website in mere hours! Please also come having already eaten lunch or bring lunch with you, since while we may have complimentary snacks, MEALS MAY NOT BE PROVIDED.

Many people have asked us what they can do to help out, especially now that we have sponsorship. You don't need to give us money, but if you could show up early (~1pm) to help setup or come armed with ice, paper towel, napkins, toilet paper, beverages you like drinking, and homecooked food, that would RULE. Tom Harrison - tomicles@gmail.com - will be coordinating volunteers, who are always super appreciated. :)

We also need people to help out at the end of the event - the more, the merrier, and we usually have a great time heading out to a diner afterwards to discuss and laugh drinks up our noses. Post-cleanup dinners are on the house. As is the love.

We'll be having lightning talks again this time, so if you have an interesting technical subject that you think would be useful for other geeks to know about, email Joel Franusic - jfranusic@gmail.com. Talks should be FIVE MINUTES and no longer. I know this is insanely too short, but if it's interesting at all you should be able to concentrate its awesomeness into that time period - provide a URL people can go to to find out more about the subject! You don't have to present only things of your own creation; if you found something really cool on the Net, like #develop, or you've figured out NSIS, please feel free to give a little talk about what you've found! Explicit sales pitches for products / services that cannot be at least trial'ed for free are discouraged.

Thanks for reading to the end! ;)

David, Tom, and Jeff
The SuperHappyDevHouse Hosts

PS: PBwiki is hiring! http://yummy.pbwiki.com/Jobs

Official Website: http://shdh.org

Added by dweekly on June 4, 2007



Duplicate event?


I can't wait!


joel - I took care of the dup. :)


Keep an eye out for DevHouse in the Merc this weekend...


Looks awesome! Anyone heading down from SF? I'm over from London for the week and don't have a car! Will bring plenty of food & snacks in return! :)

Lee Felsenstein

I can't be there till about 4-5 PM, but when I saw the reference to the Homebrew Computer Club in the SJ MErc I knew I had to be there. I'm thinking of starting something like this (but different).


i'll be leaving from san jose sometime if anyone needs a ride


I would love to come, but I don't have a car. Anyone else near Mountain View willing to let me ride along? Or is it easy to bike from the caltrain to the house?

Btw, I'll be hacking on a machine learning gem for Ruby.

madam memex

It got in the newspaper?! I'm bringing in the giggly, gold-digging scene girls.


Looks great, see you guys soon.


Sorry I couldn't make it. I have a cold and am in bed. Have a great time!


I loved the Article in the Merc news!! I wish I could have gone, but live to far south.. :( Long live SHDH!