2735 Skyfarm Drive
Hillsborough, California 94010

It's the EIGHTH Dev House! The Bay Area's #1 private productive party organization (3PO), DevHouses are a great way for you to not only meet other developers and designers and exchange ideas in an intimate venue...but they are where you can actually GET THINGS DONE.

If you've got an awesome side project you've been postponing for months because you just don't know how to code up the database side, or a neat little hack you'd like to bang out that you just haven't found the time for, THIS IS YOUR VENUE. This is not a conference. This is not web 2.0. This is you, your laptop, a net drop and lots of caffeine doing a 12 hour sprint to get that awesome thing done.

Get inspired by folks around you doing the same. Join forces! Great things can and will happen. Be here at 7pm and bring healthy snacks (apples not doughnuts) and caffeine to keep the brains pumping and the code thumping.

Jeff Lindsay, David Weekly, and the SHDH Crew

Added by dweekly on March 1, 2006



is there a page for rideshares anywhere?


just post right here!


I will drive down from SF probably...


ok. i need a ride for 2 people from berkeley/east bay/sf (ie somewhere with bart).


WAXY, what happened to the tags? Did I break them? Apparently, when I added slut-o-meter.com (as a tag) it showed up, then when I added some more, it disappeared and web2.0 (which I added before slut-o-meter.com) showed up. Sorry. :(


Oh, by the way I'm attending. I think.


I heart developers.


alienvenom: I'll check it out, thanks.