45 Easton Ave
New Brunswick, New Jersey


Celebrate the warm air and the late day sun at our Sundress and Tie Party in New Brunswick, NJ. The concept is simple: Women wear dresses and men wear ties and we all mix and mingle under the sky while sipping cocktails on the beautiful patio at Evelyn's. We know it will be a fabulously fun evening that will bring out 100+ young professionals so register soon and pick out what to wear!

Register for Sundress and Tie Party in New Brunswick (outdoors) in New Brunswick, NJ on Eventbrite

Member Cost:
$5 for the first 25 to register
$10 for the next 26 to 75 to register
$15 for the next 76 to 150 to register
$20 for walk-ins

Non-Member Cost:
$20 online and at the door

Who can attend:
Young professionals, single or married, who are 21-39 years of age.

Mandatory Dress Code:
Women wear dresses (skirts count)
Men wear ties (you can wear them over t-shirts or with short sleeved collared shirts and with shorts)
The dress code will be enforced and is all in good fun.

All sales are final. A limited number of tickets will be sold. This event is rain or shine.


How to find the group:
We will meet in the outside courtyard area. Enter along the side of Evelyn's and look for the sign-in table. If it rains we will move the party indoors.

Added by its_supersara on June 1, 2011

Interested 1