Quai King Edward Old Port Montreal
Montreal, Québec H2Y 2E2

Sweet morning!
Welcome aboard the Cavalier Maxim for a weekend breakfast buffet with the dashing divas! Come enjoy a relaxing cruise combined with breakfast and entertainment .

Embarquement / Boarding
Quai King Edward Pier ● 11 h
Durée / Duration
11 h 30 à 13 h

Stay aboard for the next cruise?
FREE of charge*
*applicable on the 2:00 pm cruise. Based on availability


Jus de pamplemousse ou orange
Grapefruit or orange juice

Yogourt nature et petits fruits
Plain yogurt with fruit

Assortiment de céréales
Assortment of cereals

Arc-en-ciel de fruits frais de saison
Rainbow of seasonal fresh fruit

Salade verte
Green salad

Salades composées
Assorted salads

Casseroles de fruits de mer
Seafood casserole

Miroir de charcuteries
Mirror of cold cuts

?ufs brouillés et ?ufs à votre choix concoctés devant vous
Scrambled eggs and eggs conconted before you as you like

Fèves au lard, bacon et saucisses
Pork and beans, bacon and sausages

Pommes de terre rissolées
Sautéed potatoes

Pièce de viande à la coupe (selon l?inspiration du chef)
Different cuts of meat (Chef?s inspiration)

Fines crêpes au parfum d?érable
Thin crêpes with maple sirup

Pain doré, fruits et coulis au chocolat
French toast, fruits and chocolate sirup

Panier de viennoiseries et boulangeries
Basket of fine breads and rolls

Beurre et confitures
Butter and jam

Café ? thé ? infusions
Coffee ? Tea ? Herbal tea

Official Website: http://socialnetwork.meetup.com/302/events/5013117/

Added by missze on August 8, 2006

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