1 Science Park
Boston, Massachusetts 02114

Sunlight is the world's largest energy resource, and more energy in the form of sunlight reaches Earth every hour than humans consume in a year. In this exhibit, visitors can learn how we can make use of all of this energy.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 9, 2010



check out tomas's contribution to vague terrain 01: digital detritus at http://www.vagueterrain.net/content/archives/journal01/jirku.html


we're now hosting an mp3 DJ mix by Adam "The Killer" Marshall on our archives page at http://www.vagueterrain.net/content/archives.html


Denise Benson of Eye Magazine just featured this event in her "best bets" column - http://www.eye.net/eye/issue/issue_12.29.05/clubs/bensonbets.html

Interested 3