Storey's Gate
London, England SW1H 9NH

A worldwide developer conference in association with JavaUK.

Marketing blurb follows (brace yourself)....

Share thoughts, ideas, and experiences on development technologies with like minded individuals, Sun Technology experts from Sun and many of our leading development partners at the London Tech Days 07 event.

The London Tech Days 07 will enable you to gain valuable insights on:

Application development innovations
The latest OS advancements
OpenSource Technologies
The latest in hardware innovation

Tuedsday 13th: NetBeans Day, OpenSolaris Day & Java University Training

The perfect opportunity to update your knowledge and skills.

Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th: London Tech Days 07

Expert-led technical sessions, code camps and hands-on labs available for you to advance your capabilities.

Collaborate to Innovate

By harnessing the ideas and energy of this landmark event, you’ll be better equipped to combine evolution with innovation – to trigger a technological revolution to empower you with the tools, knowledge and competitive advantage to enable you to realise your goals.

Official Website:

Added by dallaway on December 20, 2006



Don't forget to register if you plan to attend.