111 N. Wiget Lane
Walnut Creek, California 94598


Gift bags given to the first 250 attendees!
Raffles and Door Prizes

This is going to be a really exciting event! Here are some of the fun activities we have planned!

All the activities below are completely FREE!

~Hula Dancing Performance and Lessons at 12:PM (Special Mommy and me hula at 12:30)
~Karaoke and Dancing from 11:30 to 3:30
~Stroller Strides class for moms at 3:00
~Story Telling for Children at 1:30
~Explore a real Fire Truck all day
~Bunny Petting Zoo all day
~Browse Vendors

These activities can be enjoyed for a small cost

~Bounce House for kids
~Great Food in the Picnic Area (you could also pack a lunch)
~Shopping! There will be over 40 fantastic vendors!
~Balloon Twisting! Get some fancy fun balloons from Silly JoJo!
~Face Painting

Please let your group know to come early so they can get one of the 250 FREE Goodie Bags being distributed at the event. If you have any questions, please contact me at 925-848-5966 or hope@sellitevents.com.

See you then!
Hope Desroches, Sell it Events

P.S. Vendor spaces are still available! If you are interested in featuring your business at this event please visit http://sellitevents.com/

Official Website: http://sellitevents.com

Added by FullCalendar on August 11, 2010

Interested 1