Get Ready to Spark Your Creative Process!
Summer Story Institute
June 12-14, 2009
Utilizing their unique blend of kinetic storytelling techniques, Eth-Noh-Tec co-directors Nancy Wang, a licensed clinical social worker and dancer / choreographer, and Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo, multi-instrumental musician and multi-media artist, will evoke the next step in your creative process and growth. This 3-day workshop will empower your ability to trust your creativity and your ability to weave body, hands, eyes, and voice into a more expressive and visual persona.
Two meals per day, snacks, and art supplies included. Lodging available at an extra charge.
Questions? (415) 282-8705
Eth-Noh-Tec is funded in part by National Storytelling Network,
San Francisco Arts Commission, San Francisco Grants for the Arts,
Target, and Zellerbach Family Foundation.
Added by likethegoddess on May 6, 2009