2975 Vineyard Drive
Templeton,, California 93465

4th Annual Summer Residential Retreat with Swami Premodaya

A full 3-day intensive program (3 nights/3 days) of exploration of Truth, Spirit, Consciousness and Self, with Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya. Premodaya.com’s residential retreats have proven to be powerful vehicles for generating accelerated personal growth and permanent transformation. Premodaya teaches that we “live in the beyond” (whether we recognize it or not) and that this world is simply an aspect of ‘the life behind the life’. Because it occurs in the eternal and infinite and mysterious Unknown, in the Ultimate Divine Reality itself, this human life is (nothing less than) a profound cosmic adventure. Premodaya’s mission is to guide seekers toward awareness of these invisible, intangible, experiential, and deeply fulfilling levels of this shared galactic journey (that we’re inaccurately taught to personalize as “my life”). To arrive, you may first need help learning the art of being happy. This is because — essentially — simple, permanent happiness is the required entry point (i.e., to gain more direct access to ‘The Profound’ itself). Premodaya’s Master, Gangaji,has said: ”The deeper investigation demanded by a spiritual life, revealed the limits of my idea of freedom. I came to recognize that the desire ‘to do whatever I want to do’ is an infantile, or at best, an adolescent view of freedom. To be free to do what I want to do, is not reliable freedom at all. What one simply wants to do, is dictated by impulses, instincts, desires, and other people’s opinions. It’s dictated by memories and by thoughts about what may come next. This is the opposite of freedom!”

And Premodaya explains: “True happiness is spiritual happiness. It’s the contentedness that arises when you’re not being ruled by ‘impulses, instincts, desires & opinions’ (worldliness)—not captive to ‘memories & houghts’ (personality)—when, instead, you’re identified with the Divine. Truth becomes actually available, only when you’re no longer a slave to yourself. Truth, freedom, inner peace, God-centeredness—these are potentials. They result from going beyond your limited personal psychology—from moving toward the Universal, the Timeless, the Infinite/Eternal. Ultimately, this is achieved through surrender (as reached through love, devotion, faith or trust [‘bhakti’] or through higher knowing [‘jnani’]), any and all of which simply amount to overcoming your own restrictive individual will. Overcome your willfulness, and you’ll become truly happy, truly free, truly a willing participant in life. The spiritual teacher’s job is to help you with all of that: both to convince you (through the relevant [rightly understood] data of your own life), and to guide you and encourage you, utilizing the power & force of your own inner calling toward that which matters”.

Check-in after 3pm ~ Friday, May 24, 2013
Check-out by 12pm ~ Monday, May 27, 2013

Pre-registration and tuition payment are required prior to attending.
Regular registration (through May 10) $499 USD
Late registration (after May 10) $569 USD
Day of (space permitting) $629 USD

To register, or for more information, call 310.497.1899 or email info@premodaya.com

Official Website: http://www.Premodaya.com

Added by Premodaya.com on April 7, 2013

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