The PA German Food and Folklore program. For children aged 6-12. Did you know people once believed the dandelion salads kept fevers away all year and on Maundy Thursday Pa. Germans insisted on eating something green? In connection with the By the Sweat of Their Brow exhibit we'll explore food preparation, recipes, and folklore beliefs in Pa. German culture. Each day we'll highlight a different season through traditional Pa. German foods. Learn to make dandelion dressing, dry fruits (Schnitz) and vegetables, make yeast breads, fruit pies, sauerkraut, turn cream into butter and more. We'll even make candy from potatoes!
Program: July 15-18, 2008; 10am-2pm; Ages 6-12;$95 per participant.
Official Website:
Added by Schwenkfelder on June 19, 2008