Thursday, August 16, 7 pm
Join the South Asian Women's Creative Collective during their 10th Anniversary Exhibition titled "Sultana's Dream," featuring five SAWCC women reading from new work.
Followed by booksigning and reception.
@ Exit Art
475 Tenth Avenue at 36th Street
New York City
$5-10 suggested
Beena Ahmad is a Brooklyn-based writer of essays, fiction, poetry, and pretty soon, legal briefs. A contributing writer and member of SAMAR Collective, she's into joining book clubs, writing workshops, potlucks, and fighting the good fight. She's not a fan of the gym, filling out forms, and runny eggs.
Abha Dawesar is the author of three novels. For her work she has won a Lambda award in fiction as well as the ALA's Stonewall award and a NYFA fiction fellowship. In January this year India Today named her one of India's 25 path-breaking Indians under the age of 35. That Summer in Paris (Nan A. Talese 2006), her latest novel, is out in paperback on August 14th.
Shahnaz Habib is a Muslim woman who has not been circumcised, forced to wear a hijab or denied an education. She writes fiction, literary nonfiction, criticism and poetry, and lives in a state of flux, approximately located in Brooklyn, New York.
Tahira Naqvi teaches Urdu at the Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at NYU and is a writer of English fiction and a translator of Urdu fiction and prose. She has published two collections of short stories: Attar of Roses and Other Stories of Pakistan (Lynne Rienner, 1997) and Dying in a Strange Country (Toronto South Asian Review Publications, 2001), and recently completed her first novel.
Purvi Shah's first collection of poetry, Terrain Tracks (New Rivers Press, 2006), won the 2005 Many Voices Project prize. She currently serves as Executive Director of Sakhi for South Asian Women. Her writing has appeared in Contours of the Heart: South Asians Map North America (AAWW, 1996), Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism , and The NuyorAsian Anthology: Asian American Writings about New York City (AAWW, 1999).
Official Website:
Added by Fumio on August 10, 2007