771 Valencia St.
San Francisco, California

a pre-summer fling blending comedy, beatbox and circus.

A sucker punch is a hit that catches you off guard...especially on a Monday night! This variety-style event will showcase the HEAVY HITTERS of the Bay Area! The line-up includes Mina Liccione (MC/tap stylings), Tim Barsky (beat-box flute), Betsy Salkind (renown comic), Kitten on the Keys (vaudeville vixen), Tommy "Soulati" Shepherd (beatbox emcee), World record holder Paul "Dizzy Hips" Blair (hula-hoops), Aiden Oshea (acrobat), Natasha Kaluza and Jamie Coventry (clown duo), SyZyGy and Jaw Prophetic (beats and poetry) as well as a few other surprise upper-cuts!!!!!

New College Theater
777 Valencia between 18th&19th, San Franciso
Monday,5/22 and Tuesday, 5/23 at 7:00PM
TICKETS: $12-15 sliding scale (no one turned away policy)
INFO/RES: (415) 846-8107

Added by claudinerlco on May 12, 2006

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