The Krell Group has developed a seminar that will help restaurant and retail shop owners increase revenue. The seminar will take place on July 26th at 9:30 AM and last until noon. It will be held in room 162 of JFK University, which is located at 100 Ellinwood Way in Pleasant Hill. The seminar is part of the Small Business Seminar series, which is a series of seminars conducted monthly at different locations throughout the Bay Area.
Jerome Bush will be delivering a dynamic presentation detailing the marketing secrets he has learned during his fifteen years as a restaurant owner. Participants will learn how to get customers in the door as well as how to get them to spend more once they are there. Face it, times are tough and marketing is an expense, however there are many low-cost or even FREE promotions that produce amazing results. You will learn the secret of how to position your business for success and how to make your location the destination of choice. If you want more customers in your restaurant or shop you must go to this seminar.
This seminar is beneficial for all restaurants and retail establishments, no matter how big or small. Other businesses that have an interest in marketing may also benefit as all businesses have certain similar components. This is not a seminar for students, but is intended for business professionals.
The seminar will be conducted by Jerome C. Bush, M.B.A. who is an award-winning scholar in addition to his fifteen years experience as a business owner. Throughout the seminar Mr. Bush sprinkles stories and anecdotes of his past experiences, giving color to the theoretical knowledge. Participants are also encouraged to share their stories and examine how the theories presented can apply to their business. It is an interesting and valuable seminar for all attendees. Participants report that they never thought it could be so much fun learning how to get rich.
$45.00 at the door, $35.00 in advance.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on July 14, 2008