Regent's Wharf, 8 All Saints Street
Islington, England N1 9RL

Successful Commissioning: Preparing your Childrens Service Tenders

To be eligible for a free place your organisation must have an annual turnover of less than 200,000 and no more than 5 employees. Please ensure your organisation is eligible before booking a free place, otherwise you will be invoiced for the full cost. There are up to two free places available for each eligible organisation. Please can applicants apply for one free place at a time. Many thanks.
Click the REGISTER NOW button to apply for ONE FREE PLACE on the Commissioning course. To apply for a paid place on this Commissioning course, please click here.
Please note that if you have problems with online registration you can email or telephone 0207 843 6084 and we will make your booking for you

Is your organisation commission-ready?
The way in which local authorities commission childrens services is changing.
This two day training course has been developed as part of the VCS Engage programme and will enable you to enter the new commissioning process with confidence, equipped with the tools to understand what commissioners want and how you can deliver within the Every Child Matters (ECM) framework.

The training will help participants to:

Identify the key skills, characteristics and standards that organisations need to demonstrate when responding to pre qualification and commissioning

Identify the evidence they will need to support their application within local commissioning arrangements

Provide a checklist for writing a successful commissioning tender

Why attend?

This training provides the opportunity for participants to explore the commissioning requirements, as well as undertake practical exercises around commissioning training.

The course will also offer the chance to meet colleagues, exchange experiences and share knowledge with others working in the childrens services field.

Who should attend?

The training is designed for strategic managers and infrastructure support organisations that have a role in commissioning children, young people and family services.
Training is suitable for organisations of all sizes, and will benefit Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations, local authorities and other organisations involved in commissioning within the sector.
What does it cost?
Training costs 350 including VAT (a 15% discount is available to NCB members).

There is a reserved number of free places available for Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations on each course. To be eligible for this your organisation must have an annual turnover of less than 200,000 and no more than 5 employees.
Each VCS organisation is entitled to book up to two free places only, regardless of the number of areas they may operate within. Any additional free places booked by an organisation that already has a free place booked will be invoiced for full payment.

Each training day is open to 25 delegates, and places are booked on a first come, first served basis.

THIS APPLICATION PAGE IS FOR VCS ORGANISATIONS ELIGIBLE TO BOOK FREE PLACES ONLY. If you do not meet the criteria for a free place, please click here to apply for a paid place on this course.

Cancellation policy
All cancellations must be received in writing (email is acceptable). In the event of a cancellation, a full refund will be given for one months notice; a 50% refund for 1 month to 14 days notice and no refund for less than 14 days notice. Substitutions may be made at any time.

Programme for the course taking place at NCVO, London, on 17 & 18 March 2009
Please click here for map and directions
Please arrive for registration at 9.30 am on Day 1.
The training will take place from 10-5 on both days, with lunch from 1-2.

Training content:
Legislation and Context
Delegates will explore the legal, and policy context for commissioning. They will also explore some of the quality standards, outcomes and outputs and the basic requirements to satisfy pre-qualification questionnaires (PQQs) and expressions of interest (EOIs)
How commission-ready is your organisation?
This theory-based session will identify the key skills, characteristics and standards that VCS organisations need to demonstrate in order to be commission ready.
How do you write a successful Commission Application?
Using case studies, delegates will be asked to write sample tenders.Participants will then present these tenders to the group, who will be asked to score and evaluate each others submissions.

At the end of the practical exercises, delegates will have developed a clear idea of how to write a successful tender and will leave with a comprehensive checklist that they themselves have developed.
The training day will conclude with the opportunity for delegates to consolidate their knowledge and discuss their learning with colleagues.
Please note that in order for delegates to benefit fully from this training, a small amount of pre-training reading is required. It will take a maximum of two hours and NCB will supply all documents two weeks prior to the course date.

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Organized by National Children's Bureau
National Children's Bureau (NCB) is a charitable organisation that acts as an umbrella body for organisations working with children and young people in England & Northern Ireland.

Ticket Info:  Free ticket, Free

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 17, 2009

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