10275 N De Anza Blvd
Cupertino, California 95014

Subject: Success with Social Media: A Guide for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs

Learn the art of growing your business through social media platforms like FaceBook, Twitter, and YouTube, with specific, easy-to-follow guidelines from the new book '42 Rules of Social Media for Small Business.' Go behind the scenes with the author, to learn how to maximize your businesses' potential in the social space.

Whether you're new to social media, or a FaceBook addict, this forum is tailored to help you understand when to communicate, where to communicate, and how to communicate across any social media platform. Learn that communication is communication both on and offline (Rule 2), how to spoon feed the press (rule 31), as well as how to publicize company events (Rule 36), all infused with advice from small business owners across the country and professionals out of companies like Twitter, eBay, BlogHer, Mashable and more.

Topics that will be covered will include:

[*] A firm understanding of how to communicate your business effectively in the social media space
[*] An understanding of why social media is important for business growth, and how to make it work for you
[*] A realistic, clear set of goals for your social media business growth plan
[*] Troubleshooting tools, for when things don't go according to plan
[*] Real-World, repeatable methods for using social media to grow business

If you want to be a better at social networking, pick up Jennifer's book or come to this event an get a copy of her book for free.

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/HappyAbout/calendar/12273592/

Added by FullCalendar on January 23, 2010

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