1431 Waverley Street
Palo Alto, California 94301

Don Dillon will tell the Four Winds story, describing how Citrus pests and diseases past and present have influenced the migration and nature of the business, and how an informed gardening public can make a difference in the movement of plant pests and diseases. He will then chart an award-winning course for planting and maintaining citrus in containers and in the ground. He will tell us how to plant, prune, and fertilize both familiar - Meyer lemon, Washington navel - and exotic - Kaffir lime, Buddha's hand - citrus, producing beautiful foliage and tasty fruit. Samples and recipes using these beautiful fruits will also be provided.

Don Dillon, Jr. is the 3rd generation of Dillons to work at Four Winds Growers, the wholesale citrus nursery founded by his grandfather, Floyd Dillon. Don holds a BS degree in Ornamental Horticulture from Cal Poly, and has been active in the California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers. Four Winds supplies citrus trees and other edible plants to nurseries all over California, and by mail order directly to customers throughout the United States.

Official Website: http://www.gamblegarden.org

Added by FullCalendar on January 31, 2011