Organizer: Second Amendment Foundation. Students for Concealed Carry On Campus is a non-partisan, grassroots organization comprised of over 30,000 college students, faculty members, parents, and concerned citizens who support the right of concealed handgun license holders to carry concealed handguns on college campuses. Key conference speakers include: More Guns, Less Crime author John Lott, Attorney Alan Gura (argued the recent Supreme Court case involving the DC gun ban), founder of the Second Amendment Foundation Alan M. Gottlieb, and many more. For students that want to attend the conference but are a little strapped for cash, SCCC and SAF can help. Any student traveling over 750 miles to D.C. is eligible for a travel scholarship of up to $250. You will receive reimbursement if you bring your student I.D. and travel receipts to the conference. SCCC and SAF will also provide one night free in a hotel if you so desire. SCCC and SAF cannot guarantee that you will get your own room. Funds are limited and you may have to room with another member of SCCC if you come alone. Once your transportation and lodging needs are settled, forward your information to to reserve your spot at the conference.
Added by insideronline on July 9, 2008