The RSO Youth Concert for the 2009-10 year will be Pictures at an Exhibition at 9:45 and 11:15 a.m. on Friday, April 23, 2010 at the Coronado Performing Arts Center. Please disregard information sent in the Save the Dates card regarding a Youth Concert in October, 2009 that was mailed to schools in April, 2009.Reservations may be made in advance by submitting the form available by clicking on YC 2009-10. Payment is due by April 16, 2010.More than 2,500 students visited the Coronado Performing Arts Center on October 20, 2008 for the most recent Youth Concert. Fifth graders from throughtout a seven-county area attended the full orchestral concert titled Musical Postcards: Portraits of America.In 1980 the RSO performed its first concert for area youth, dubbed a Rug Concert, since children sat on pieces of carpet on the floor. Now the RSO annually invites fifth and sixth graders from over 100 area schools to attend this educational, hour-long concert. Teaching materials, including study guides and recordings of selected pieces, are provided to area music educators for advance preparation in the classroom.Teachers who schedule a class to attend the Youth Concert will receive a voucher for a free Rockford Symphony Orchestra concert ticket.
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 9, 2010