301 Largo Road
Prince George's County, Maryland 20774

March 13 - April 5, 2006
Mon - Thurs, 9 - 8, and Fri, 9 - 3.
Exhibition closes at noon on the final day.

Prince George's Community College
Marlboro Gallery
301 Largo Road
Largo, Maryland 20774-2199

Reception: With music by Washington Musica Viva
Friday, March 24, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Snow Date: Friday, March 31, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Artists include:

Marilyn Banner
Tom Block
Donte K. Hayes
Dylan Scholinski
Clarissa Sligh

An art exhibition at the Marlboro Gallery of Prince George's County Community College "about art that tells the truth-personal, psychological, social, political - through work that makes a strong direct statement in image and media. The content is not hidden, though in some cases, the viewer must come close to see or read it. This work may be disturbing in its uncovering of things that our society does not like to acknowledge, e.g. the effects of racism, political imprisionment, anti-Semitism and gender identiy intolerance--and the strength needed to surve and thrive in the face of these oppressions."

For more information: Call (301) 322-0965 or email lbarbour@pgcc.edu

Added by Authentic Art Visions on March 9, 2006