Stripper 101: Beginners Level 1 Pole Dance Classes
So here is what you will be covering in our Stripper 101 Class.
Each Class starts off with a
Sexy Warm up, leading into
Pole Climbs,
Intermediate/Difficult Pole Spins
( Much More than only the Fireman)
Inversions ( Up side Downs)
Booty Bouncing/Popping
Sexy Floor Work
Each Class meets for 60 mins Once per week
Class is 4 weeks in Length
Students are also allowed to come practice anytime that we are
here as long as there are no classes or event scheduled.
Ladies enrolled in any class series receives discounted prices
on all Workshops & Speciality Classes
Last Class of 4 weeks series you will learn a 3 minutes routine using
what you have learned in class that will be suitable for you to use on stage
if you are an Adult Entertainer or in any Amateur Contest.
All Students must preregister here through our website to Reserve
your Spot on the Pole.
This is also the First class of our Stripper 101 Class Series. You must
complete this Level to advance to the next sequence of Class Levels:
Official Website:
Added by Pole Waxers Pole Dance Studio on April 29, 2008