STRIPPED STORIES, the hit sex-themed storytelling show hosted by Giulia Rozzi (Jimmie Kimmel)
and Margot Leitman (Best Week Ever, Conan O'Brien), will
return Wed. Aug 8 at 9:30. Each show features a comedian, a non-comedian, and a musical
act revealing hysterically honest stories about their sex lives plus an interactive
jaw-dropping game of "never-have-I-ever" and an audience interview. This month's theme:
Sexual Dilemmas with: Alison Becker (FUSE, VH1), art student Al Long, and musical guest
Mindy Raf.
Wed.Aug. 8 9:30
Mo Pitkin's
34 Ave. A bet. 2nd and 3rd
Reservations are HIGHLY can buy in advance here!
Praise for "Stripped Stories:"
"Brutally frank hilarity...improving the odds that your past misadventures will soon help
you get laid again."--
"Brave, brassy comedy divas like Giulia Rozzi and Margot Leitman,[are] putting the final
nail in the coffin of 'there just aren't that many funny women out
"Giulia Rozzi and Margot Leitman milk those unsexy blunders for a night full of laughs."
--The Village Voice (also a featured Village Voice Choice)
"Giulia and Margot bring it all out in the open with their hilarious true tales to help
every human realize that sex IS funny!"-- Whispers Media
"It's like the old-fashioned storytelling hour at the children's library, but... not
suitable for children, except Dakota Fanning."--
"Hilarious true stories!" -AM New York
"Giulia Rozzi and Margot Leitman celebrate sexual honesty in this popular monthly
storytelling show."-Time Out NY (Also a critic's pick!)
Added by missmargot on July 30, 2007