34 Avenue A
New York City, New York

"I laughed so hard I almost sh*& my pants!"
-Dee, audience member at March "Stripped Stories"

The hit sex storytelling show brought to you by the newly married
Giulia Rozzi and the eternal bridesmaid Margot Leitman...( is back!

Stripped Stories
Wed. June 13 at 9:30
Mo Pitkin's House of Satisfaction
34 Ave A between 2nd and 3rd
tickets are $5 and reservations are STRONGLY recommended! Purchase
them in advance here:

June's theme is "Summer Lovin'"
with summer sex stories from: Dan Allen (Comedy Central), Sex songs
from Stuckey and Murray (E!) and managing director of the UCB
Theatre, Alex Sidtis, as our "regular person" guest.

Plus a spontaneous audience interview, sex games, and a drunken after
party in Sadie's Lounge.

Here's what the critics are saying about Giulia and Margot's Stripped

"Hilarious true stories!"
-AM New York

"Brave, brassy comedy divas like Giulia Rozzi and Margot Leitman,[are]
putting the final nail in the coffin of 'there just aren't that many
funny women out there.'"--Drinkatwork.com

"Giulia Rozzi and Margot Leitman milk those unsexy blunders for a
night full of laughs." --The Village Voice (also a featured Village
Voice Choice)

"Giulia and Margot bring it all out in the open with their hilarious
true tales to help every human realize that sex IS funny!"-- Whispers

"It's like the old-fashioned storytelling hour at the children's
library, but... not suitable for children, except Dakota Fanning."--

booking inquiries can be sent to: Strippedstories@gmail.com

Official Website: http://www.strippedstories.com

Added by eskinner on June 6, 2007

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